Prashant Pillai
Steering Group Chair
Brief info
Prof Prashant Pillai is an award-winning academic leader and visionary who has over 19 years of UK Higher Education experience. He is a globally renowned scholar and outstanding university educator who provides academic direction and leadership to research, business engagement and education within the subject area of computer science at the University of Wolverhampton.
He is currently Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange for the University of Wolverhampton.
He was previously Associate Dean Research and KE, Professor of cyber security and Director of the Wolverhampton Cyber Research Institute. The Institute comprises of over 10 academic staff and focuses of research in the area of Cyber Security and intelligent and secure cyber physical systems/IoT. Prof Pillai was the Head of School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Wolverhampton in 2020-21. The school comprises of nearly 50 academic member of staff and 10 research staff.
He has led several research projects funded by EU, Innovate UK, ESA, British Council, etc. Prof Pillai has co-edited 4 books and has co-authored 100 peer reviewed papers at leading journals and conferences and 4 book chapters. He was the Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems and an Editor of the Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS).
He is the Chair of the IEEE UK and Ireland Blockchain Group and Chair of the Innovation Alliance West Midlands Cyber Working Group. He was previously Co-Chair of the 5G-Satellite subgroup of the IEEE 5G Technology Roadmap Working Group and founding member of the IEEE special interest group on Big Data for Cyber Security and Privacy.